⚔ī¸Squad vs Squad

Contest activities between squads.


A squad captain can register his team if his squad is level 8 or above. Only squad members who are part of the squad for 7 days or more are counted for Squad vs Squad activities.

SvS registration, challenge and bets

(to be completed)

SvS attributes


Represents the damage range a squad can cause to another squad.

Depends on the sum of energy spent by all squad members for the past week.


Represents the chance a squad has to inflict damage to another squad.

Depends on the O2 and SQUAD gained by squad members for the past week.


Represents the chance a squad has to deflect damage done by another squad.

Depends on the number of adjacent lands a squad owns. If the squad has registered for SvS battle, it has a +1 bonus for defense.


Represents the amount of damage a squad can endure before it has to surrender.

Depends on the cumulative number of land levels every squad members own.


Represents the chance a squad has to attack before getting attacked.

10 + average percentage of energy spent per member over the last week. The squad who has challenged the other one gets a +1 bonus for initiative.

SvS fight resolution

  1. Initiative is rolled for both squads, 1D20 + initiative. The squad with the higher initiative begins.

  2. The first squad attacks. 1D20 + accuracy to overcome opponent squad defense.

  3. Damage is rolled and subtracted from the opponent squad's health.

  4. If the opponent squad has 0 health or less, the fight is over and the first squad wins.

  5. The second squad repeats steps 2, 3 and 4.

  6. The fight goes on from 2 again with the first squad, until one squad reaches 0 of energy or 20 rounds have passed.

If both squads are still alive, it is a draw, and both get their initial bet back.

The win/loss percentage is computed from both squads results. Both squads get some of the common bet based on this win/loss percentage.

Last updated