đŸ’ĒWalking, Running, Cycling

The core of the game is about walking, running and cycling.

Both running and cycling have their specificities in terms of pace, maximum speed and rewards.

In order to properly handle tracking activities, Squadland uses the tracking technology from its big brother, Squadeasy.

When running, players earn:

  • Utility Tokens, O2, which are used mainly for game mechanics

  • Governance Tokens, SQUAD, which are used for both game mechanics and activities outside Squadland.

  • Equipment

Hygrometry and attrition

When you move, the efficiency of what you gain is reduced, according to the following formula:

const netGain = (attrition) =>
  1 - (Math.exp(Math.PI * attrition) - 1) / (Math.exp(Math.PI) - 1);

Last updated